Thursday, April 14, 2011


With it's massive popularity and exponential growth over the past couple years Twitter might seem like a simple Web 2.0 tool to explore. It's popularity and breadth of use is second only to Facebook and Google and it is consistently adding new members. What is intriguing about this tool that might be initially dismissed as a "pop fad" is it's inherent ability to connect users in times of crisis or need and the ability to share information quickly and coherently. The strength of Twitter may very well lie in it's self imposed limitation. A Twitter user only has 140 characters per message (or tweet) to disseminate their information. This forces the user to be concise, to evoke a message or response in as little words possible. I have been familiar with Twitter as a personal tool but I plan on using this experience to explore the educational possibilities of this tools and hopefully integrate this technology into the learning environment in my classroom.

To start my journey I will make a Twitter account specific to my class, Behavioral Science. Creating an account is a simple two step process. Once I have picked my user name (@FullSail_BSCO), set my password and agreed to the terms of service I am brought to a page where I can follow users based on my interests. My goal is to follow ten users related to the field of Educational Technology. The users I follow will serve as a teaching tool to my target audience. The following Twitter users will serve as an example of this powerful tool and the types of messages one can convey.

Since this account will act as a platform to update our Behavioral Science students I filled in some simple information in the profile section including a profile photo and short description.

Up next we will send our first tweet to tell the world what's happening in 140 characters or less!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! I've actually been thinking of setting up a twitter account for my on-campus class, but I'm not sure how much it will be used in a much more face to face setting. I think I may set up one for my department, and allow my team of CD's to post, that way we keep it updated. Let me know how this works out for you, I'm really interested in the results that you get.
